Aziz ZoaibAWS SSM Bastion with Best Practices — Replacing Traditional SSH Bastions.What are Bastions? Bastion hosts (also called “jump servers”) are usually used in cloud environments to access the private resources like…Nov 19, 20223Nov 19, 20223
Aziz ZoaibVPA in Kubernetes with GoldilocksBefore we dig into Goldilocks tool, we need to first understand what is VPA (Vertical Pod Autoscaler)?Jul 24, 2021Jul 24, 2021
Aziz ZoaibVulnerability Scanning in Kubernetes Cluster — Kube-ScanAs the adoption of container based applications are on continuos growth with more and more enterprises migrating or creating container…Jun 5, 2021Jun 5, 2021
Aziz ZoaibPolicy As Code using OPA — Conftest AutomationIn our last guide we looked at what is OPA — Conftest, and how you can use it to validate your terraform manifests and avoid human…Feb 28, 2021Feb 28, 2021
Aziz ZoaibPolicy As Code using Conftest for TerraformLet’s first look at what is policy as code?Aug 29, 2020Aug 29, 2020
Aziz ZoaibLoad Testing using LocustHello Gurus, recently for one of my projects I need to look into different load testing tools to load test one of our web app in order to…Sep 21, 2019Sep 21, 2019
Aziz ZoaibHelm on Minikube running on MacOS XHelm helps you manage Kubernetes applications — Helm Charts help you define, install, and upgrade even the most complex Kubernetes…Apr 28, 2019Apr 28, 2019